Collection: Big and Tall T-Shirts

This is our collection to pay homage to the big guys and gals out there, and our way of saying, 'We've got you covered'.

This collection only features items that are sized in 3XL, 4XL or 5XL. You can use the filters to switch between sizes and colours, or the different types of products. 

We stand by the fact that our printing quality is some of the best that will have come across, and we use high quality garments, that we would only personally wear ourselves, to ensure that your clothing doesn't just stand up to the trials of big life (which they do), but also leaves you looking like the geekiest, most stylish dude in town. 

Our products are all printed right here in the United Kingdom, under safe conditions. 

Off World Tees is a small UK, Artist Owned Business, trying to find some kind of foothold in the space through the timeless medium of high quality clothing and exceptional designs.