Second only to my love of cult movies is my cardboard addiction. I love board games!
To which the automatic response is usually "So, like, Monopoly right?"
Having formerly been an avid video gamer for many years, I basically went fully analogue around 6 years ago. Before that I'd been a Blood Bowl player for ages, but then one fateful night after a particularly gruelling game of BB, I played a single game of King of Tokyo and it was like a switch had been flipped. I loved it. I needed more.
Thus began the stage most gamers experience when they first enter the hobby - Cult of the New. I devoured all the games I could get my hands on. And bought most of them too. And while some of those classics still adorn my shelves (perennials such as Ticket to Ride, Bang the Dice Game and Lords of Waterdeep still hit the table occasionally), most of that initial rush of board game acquisitions have long since been traded with fellow boardgamegeek members as I grew to understand what kind of games me and my mates enjoyed most.
Today I enjoy many of the big hit releases - Space Base, Azul and Champions of Midgard are right up there in my top ten for sure. But there's also plenty of lesser-known games that I love. Sons of Anarchy : Men of Mayhem is awesome (it baffles me how it ended up in bargain bins), and the excellently-named Cosmic Kaboom gets my dexterity vote. Oh, and then there's Cursed Court, which is my favourite game of all time. (Seriously, if you haven't played Cursed Court and you fancy a bit of light bluffing/betting with up to 6 mates, hunt it down immediately!)
I've fallen down collectable rabbit-holes, with enough Dice Masters and Star Wars Destiny dice to build a house with, and way more Keyforge decks than anybody should probably own.
I've even become something of a solo gamer, especially of late (no prizes for guessing why). I adore Elder Sign solo (it's the only game I had to have absolutely everything for) and I've been dying a lot in the Cursed Earth too.
The only thing I've managed to avoid so far is the allure of Kickstarter.
Must. Stay. Away. There's too many people I know who are hopelessly addicted :)
And so when Tim and I decided to actually go for this thing, jump in at the deep end and launch Off World Tees into orbit, I knew that a board game brand within it was something I'd really want to add. That brand is Alphagamer Apparel. Right now we have our very first few designs up and ready for your perusal. Hope you like them, cardboard fans!
There's much more to come, so watch this spaceship!